Florida Stats

Florida ranks 46th in the nation when it comes to saving shelter cats and dogs.
How do we know? We use our most important tool, DATA! Our good friends at University of Florida conducted a recent data analysis of 149 shelters in 2019 to help us better understand where are animals are coming from and how they are leaving our shelters. Here's what we learned. . .

Florida Statistics 2019

Data courtesy of UF and Maddies

  • 149 out of 153 known shelters submitted data.
  • This represents an estimated 97% of all Florida shelters and 99% of all sheltered animals.
  • Data was submitted by 63 out of 67 FL counties.
  • A total of 400,498 cats and dogs were admitted to Florida shelters in 2019.
  • Free-roaming/stray cats and dogs comprised more than half of all intakes.
  • Adoptions (63%) were the main avenue for live outcomes, followed by transfers to other groups (17%), return to owner (11%), and return to field (8%).
  • More than twice as many cats are euthanized compared to dogs.

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